A hint of Autumn

The British summer seems to be officially over with all the rain however, don't fear, Autumn can also be great! These delicious caramel popcorn cupcakes are the perfect treat to get you in the mood for Autumn. 
The deep caramel taste paired with the silky smooth Swiss meringue buttercream, and the crunchy popcorn created the perfect texture combination. 
*This recipe is inspired by Cupcake Jemma 

Caramel Popcorn Cupcakes 

Prep time: 1 hr
Cooking time: 15-20 minutes 
Serves: 6 cupcakes 


For the cupcakes: 

  • 100g softened butter or margarine 
  • 100g caster sugar 
  • 2 medium free range eggs 
  • 100g self-raising flour 
  • 4 tbsp caramel (homemade or shop bought) 

For the caramel: 
  • 250ml double cream 
  • 90 ml water
  • 250g caster sugar 
  • 1 tsp vanilla extract 
For the Swiss Meringue Buttercream: 
  • 300g caster sugar 
  • 4 large free-range egg whites 
  • 400g softened butter 
  • 1 tsp vanilla extract (I use vanilla bean paste) 
Popcorn topping: 
  • Shop bought popcorn or corns that you have popped at home 
  • 4 tbsp caramel


For the Caramel: 
In a pan, place your caster sugar and water on a medium heat for about 7 minutes; until the sugar has dissolved, the water begins to evaporate, and the sugar starts to brown. Keep on a medium heat until it is of a amber colour (175-190 degrees celsius). Meanwhile, add the vanilla to the cream.
*Make sure not to stir the sugar and water mix at this stage as this will make the sugar crystallise resulting in a lumpy caramel. However, you can move the pan around slightly so that the sugar colours evenly. 

Once the sugar is of a desired amber colour, take it off the heat and add the cream in a steady stream, stirring constantly with a heat proof spoon or spatula. *Make sure not to add all the cream at once.

Finally, add a teaspoon of sea salt to finish, and place in a jar to cool. 


For the cupcakes: 
First, preheat your oven to 200 degrees Celsius and line a cupcake tray with cases. 

Place the softened butter, and sugar into a bowl and mix until fully combined and of a creamy consistency. Next, add the eggs one at a time, whisking well between each addition to incorporate as much air as possible. 

Once all the eggs have been added, sift in your flour, and carefully fold into the mixture. Finally, add 2 tablespoons of your cooled caramel, and place the mixture into the cupcake cases, until they are about 2/3 of the way full. 

Place the cakes into the oven for 12-15 minutes, or until golden brown and springy to touch. Leave on a wire rack to cool. 

For the Swiss Meringue buttercream:
To make the Swiss meringue buttercream use a medium sized saucepan, filled with a small amount of water, and a heatproof bowl to make a bain marie. Place the sugar and egg whited into the bowl over the water making sure that the water does not touch the bowl. 
Leave on a medium heat, stirring constantly, until the sugar has completely dissolved. 
*You can check it has dissolved by rubbing a small amount of the mixture between two fingers to make sure it isn't grainy. 
Now, place the sugar and egg mixture onto a stand mixer, and mix until it has cooled completely, and is a stiff meringue consistency. 

Meanwhile, chop up your softened butter into small chunks. Once the meringue is completely cool, add the butter a chunk at a time, until it is fully incorporated. *Don't rush this stage and add the butter all at once, this will turn the mixture into a sloppy mess! 

Keep mixing the meringue until it is of a smooth, stiff consistency. Finally, 4 table spoons of the caramel a spoon at a time, until combined. Feel free to add more if you would like a stronger caramel taste. 

For the decoration: 
Place your popcorn into a bowl and add some of the pre-prepared caramel, until each piece is covered in a thin layer. Place onto a lined baking tray and leave to harden either at room temperature, or in the fridge. 

Once the cakes are cooled, core each cake using an apple corer/knife/piping nozzle, and pipe a small amount of the caramel into the centre, and place the top of the cored piece of cake back on top to seal the gap. 

Prepare a piping bag with your desired piping nozzle (I used a Wilton 2D), and add the Swiss meringue buttercream. Starting from the inside pipe in a circular motion until you reach near the edge of the cake. 

To finish, using a piping bag fitted with a small plain nozzle drizzle s mall amount of caramel over each cake, and add a pile of the caramel popcorn. 

I hope you enjoyed learning how to make the delicious autumnal cupcakes! 

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