A late Easter treat...

You might be reading this thinking, why on earth is she posting an Easter cake recipe when Easter has well and truly passed....however, i'm not as crazy as I may look. 
Although, I wasn't super organised this year, I did manage to make a super cute batch of six flavours of Easter cupcakes which I will be sharing with you in due course. 
These Oreo chocolate cupcakes don't have to be decorated with Oreo chocolate eggs but could also be decorated with mini Oreo's or even a big one! 

Chocolate Oreo cupcakes 

Prep time: 25 minutes 
Cooking time: 15 minutes 
Serves: 6 cupcakes 


For the cupcakes: 
  • 100g softened butter or margarine 
  • 100g caster sugar 
  • 2 medium free range eggs 
  • 50g melted dark chocolate 
  • 25g cocoa powder 
  • 75g self raising flour 
  • 0.5 tsp baking powder 
For the icing: 
  • 50g softened butter 
  • 100g icing sugar 
  • 2 tsp milk 
  • Crushed Oreo biscuits (with the middles removed) 
  • Mini Oreos, or Oreo chocolate eggs to decorate 


Firstly, preheat the oven to 200 degrees Celsius, and line a cupcake tray with cupcake cases. 

Place the softened butter and sugar into a bowl or mixer and mix until they are of a creamy consistency, and are fully combined. 

Next, one at a time add the eggs, making sure to mix well between each addition to incorporate as much air as possible, to make the cakes light and fluffy. 

Melt the dark chocolate either in a bowl over a pan of simmering water, or slowly in the microwave (checking every 15 seconds to ensure it doesn't burn).

Leave the chocolate to cool slightly before adding to the mixture. 

Add the chocolate, and stir thoroughly to ensure it is fully incorporated. 

Finally, sift in the cocoa powder, flour and baking powder. Using a metal spoon, or a very low setting on the mixer fold in the flour until the mixture is smooth. 

Place the cake mix into the prepared tins and place on the middle shelf in the oven for 12-15 minutes, or until springy to the touch and cooked all the way through (you can use a skewer to check to see if the middle is still wet or not). 

Once the cakes are cooked, place on a wire cooling rack to cool completely. 

Meanwhile, for the icing, place the butter into a mixer or bowl and mix for a few minutes until it is soft and of a lighter colour. 

Gradually sift in the icing sugar until it turns into a smooth buttercream. If it is too stiff you can add a small amount of milk to loosen it so it is easy to pipe. 

Using a butter knife scrape the middle out of the Oreos and place the biscuits either in a blender until they are in small pieces, or in a sandwich bag and crush with a rolling pin.  Add the crushed biscuits to the buttercream. 

Prepare a piping bag with a plain nozzle, and fill with the Oreo icing. Alternatively, you could use an ice cream scoop for this step, or two spoons. 

Placing the piping bag vertically above each cake pipe a small blob of icing onto the middle. Finally, decorate with your Oreo biscuit or chocolate. You could even use some left over melted chocolate to drizzle on top!

Happy Baking!

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